Life can be sometimes funny, you know? It has got this amazing way of teaching us valuable lessons through the most unexpected sources, and trust me, you won’t believe where my faith journey took a twist. Picture this: a loyal bulldog named Max as my spiritual guide! Intrigued? Well, you should be! But, let’s see how this four-legged wonder taught me about the bulldog faith and how it’s changing my life today.


  1. The Bulldog Tenacity:

First things first, bulldogs are the definition of “don’t give up without a fight!” And Max? Oh, he takes that to a whole new level. I’ll never forget the day he clung onto his favorite toy for dear life, refusing to let go even when the odds were stacked against him. Watching him fight tooth and nail made me realize the importance of tenacity in my faith journey. When life tosses us curveballs, bulldog faith means holding on tight, even when everything seems shaky.


  1. Unshakable Trust

Now, let me tell you about Max’s loyalty. It’s totally next-level! No matter what, he’s got the family’s back. Rain or shine, through thick and thin, he’s there. And that, my friends, speaks volumes about faith. Emulating Max’s loyalty, I’ve learned to trust in something bigger than myself. When things get shaky, bulldog faith means sticking to our beliefs, no matter what life throws our way.


  1. Facing Life Head-On

Amazingly, behind that tough-looking exterior, Max has a courageous heart of gold. He charges into new experiences with a fearless bark that puts even the bravest of us to shame. Witnessing his gusto, I asked myself, “Why can’t I tackle life’s challenges with the same audacity?” Bulldogs and faith share a secret – being fearless! So, when self-doubt tries to creep in, bulldog faith means facing life head-on with a wagging tail and a resolute spirit.


  1. Unconditional and Profound Love

Oh, the power of  love! Max’s affectionate cuddles and tail-wagging greetings remind me of the essence of faith – unconditional devotion to something greater than ourselves. His love has opened my heart to a deeper spiritual connection, helping me realize that faith is about embracing love in all its forms. Bulldog faith teaches us that love is the compass that guides our steps on this crazy adventure called life. The Bible confirms this in 1 Corinthians 13:7 (NIV)

“It [love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” Does that say anything about the bulldog?


  1. Bouncing Back with Gusto

Let’s talk resilience. Max’s ability to bounce back from any tumbles, crashes, and muddy mishaps is nothing short of incredible. It got me thinking – faith isn’t about avoiding obstacles; it’s about dusting ourselves off and getting back on our paws, stronger than ever! When life trips us up, bulldog faith means wagging our tails, shaking off the dust, and marching forward with determination.



Have you learned anything today? There’s so much you still need to learn about the bulldog faith, that’s why you cannot afford to miss any of the teachings in this series. Make it a date every Sunday at any of campuses and watch your faith woof woof like the Bulldog.

If you missed last Sunday’s teaching, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do but let me help you. You can still watch the videos on YouTube by clicking here.


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