Dear Beloved,

Let’s do a quick review, shall we?

So, look around your life; visit every area including your health, finances, relationships, family, marriage, career, etc.

Take a minute to ponder on the good things that has happened to you.

Take one more minute to ponder on those challenges that didn’t see your end.

Take 30 more seconds to picture your future.

Now, keep reading.  There’s always something to thank God for.  When was the last time you thanked God for giving you a spouse, no matter how imperfect they are? Oh, when was the last time you thanked God for the peace you have? for your health?

As little as these may seem, they can determine the significant things that will take place in your life. Yet, most believers think praise is what you do after you get what you’re believing or praying for, but it doesn’t work that way with God. Well, it does when dealing with your fellow human beings but it’s a completely different rule with God.

You should understand that thanksgiving is not the aftermath of what happens, rather the engine that makes things happen.

It’s so sad the devil knows and understands this better than believers and keeps us from thinking about praise and thanksgiving while you’re in the process of believing, because he knows it’s an important key to breakthrough.

Remember when Paul and Silas were locked up in the prison? Things looked pretty grim, right? Most people in their shoes would be begging and pleading with God to get them out, or perhaps blame God. Rather, the duo prayed and sang hymns to God. (Acts 16:25). Guess what happened? The prison doors flung open supernaturally and the chains with which they were bound fell off. Reason? They gave thanks. It was an awkward moment to have thanked God, right? But, it was clear they understood the laws of God better than many of us.

As Believers, we need to understand that God is many times not  moved by emotions. He has laid down procedures through which he operates and has made these procedures accessible to us. All we have to do is act.

Do you need a miracle, favour, breakthrough, deliverance? When you know what can be done about these in the realm of the spirit, perhaps, you may want to activate praise and thanksgiving in your life everyday.

Let’s take a look at why the devil keeps you from giving thanks:

  • Thanksgiving makes a fool of the devil: Have you ever thought about why the devil tries to get you to complain and grumble about the things that aren’t working in your life? Of a truth, he knows that grumbling saps the strength of the believer, ruins his or her faith and shatters their dreams. He knows that what should have taken you only 48 hours to get, will be extended to 50 years just by grumbling about your situation.


  • Thanksgiving is a powerful weapon against darkness: Thanksgiving is much more than just saying kind words to God or singing songs of praise; it is a powerful, spiritual warfare weaponry. God never meant for you to fight your battles alone- thanksgiving moves the battle from you to God, thereby stopping the Devil in his very tracks. When we cultivate a heart of gratitude and express it through praise, we tap into a wellspring of divine strength. In times of weariness, praise and thanksgiving rejuvenate our spirits. Isaiah 40:31 promises, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (NIV). Gratitude-filled praise uplifts us, infusing our beings with the energy and resilience needed to overcome obstacles.


  • It brings victory in difficult times: Moreover, praising in the midst of challenges brings supernatural victories. Recall the story of Paul and Silas who sang hymns and praises to God. Suddenly, an earthquake shook the foundations, opening prison doors and setting them free. Praise not only breaks chains but also dismantles strongholds, releasing God’s power to work mightily on our behalf.


  • It makes our faith stronger: Thanksgiving builds our faith, keeping us aligned with God’s promises. It shields us from negative thoughts and grants us divine perspective. The Psalmist affirms, “I will praise the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips” (Psalm 34:1, NIV). When faced with adversity, our thanksgiving declares our trust in God’s faithfulness and activates His intervention.


  • Thanksgiving ushers us into God’s presence: Psalm 100:4 declares, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name” (NIV). As we offer heartfelt gratitude and praise, we release the presence of God, where we find renewed vigor and empowerment. When the presence of God comes into a scene, your enemies flee. Sickness and disease wouldn’t dare to stay in your body, talk less of poverty.


In conclusion, thanksgiving is not something you do when things are going well. God is always deserving of your praise and thanksgiving. The Bible directs us to offer a sacrifice of praise- that means even when it feels tough to give.  So, praise God in the morning; praise Him at noon; praise Him at night. If you’ve never praised God in your life, then get started right now. Praise Him for everything, Praise Him for the name of Jesus. You’ll most likely find out that when you are in need, if you offer praise to God, you’ll get your answers instantly!

As you may know, we are in the season of being Thank-fuelled, yay! How about we shame the devil by posting a video of  your thank-fuelled moves using the hashtags #harvestersthanksgiving.

Don’t forget to tag @bolajiid and @harvestersng


  1. Helen Emmanuel says:

    Warm greetings Pastor B. So good to read these amazing words from you. Of a truth, as a Christian of over 17years I have never done a personal thanksgiving to God. You have inspired me and I will do it as soon as I return to my base. I am currently in Ogun State where I am handling a very challenging task.

    Thanks Pastor B


    Thank you so much pst B.
    This is very insightful and educating. Sweet Holy Ghost help me to make thanksgiving a way of life

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