Will You Answer the Call? Soul-Winning for a World Thirsty for Hope…

“Do you even know what I’m going through? Where was your Jesus when my uncle in the village killed my Dad, took everything he had, and sent us into the streets to suffer…see, if you ever bring this Jesus talk to me again, I’ll end you.”

These were the exact words spoken to me the first time I attempted soul-winning. To be honest, I was not only scared for my life but also discouraged to try again. For years, I kept going to church, listening to the Pastor preach every Sunday but never made the mistake of going on evangelism. All efforts of the church’s workers to convince me into soul-winning proved abortive. I knew something wasn’t complete about my faith, but I deliberately ignored it until a divine encounter that changed me forever.


In a world falling apart at its seams, drowning in sorrow and pain, we find ourselves struggling with a haunting question: Are You Still Salty? Do your words and deeds still add taste to the world? (Matthew 5:13-14)

Our Hearts Ache for a Hurting World

Our hearts ache as we witness the chaos, the suffering, and the desperation consuming our brothers and sisters. The suffering is all around us, and we can’t ignore it any longer. The message of hope in the gospel is the answer, and we need to urgently share it with those lost and hurting souls. It’s time we woke up from our slumber and bring warmth to hearts frozen by darkness.

The Devil’s Venom: Unmasking the Darkness

Look around, can you just feel the weight of the devil’s venom in every tear shed and every soul lost? Depression chews deep into hearts, addiction gripping tightly, and greed infecting the people like an unhealing wound. Souls once vibrant are now trapped in an empty space. As believers, we cannot afford to stay silent and let this venom spread unchecked.

Wake Up and Reach Out: Time for Action

Believers, we can’t sleep any longer! The time for action is here. We can’t just hope someone else will do it; we must be the ones to reach out. The world needs our helping hands and compassionate hearts. Yes, the world is gasping for the breath of hope, and we are the only torchbearers who can lead them out of darkness.

The Clock Is Ticking: Act Now!

Each second wasted is another soul slipping away. We cannot stand idly thinking someone else will pick up the torch. It is our hands that must carry it, our feet that must run, and our hearts that must bleed with love for the lost. The time to act is now – not tomorrow, not someday – but this very moment!

Sow Seeds of Salvation: Be the Light

The devil’s tricks thrive in the absence of the truth. Let us uproot his lies by revealing the truth and beauty of God’s love and redemption. Our hands may tremble, our voices may shake, but the fire within us must never dim. The devil’s lies can’t stand against the truth of God’s love. We might feel unsure, but the Father’s love will guide us to change lives for the better.

The World Cries Out: Answer the Call

Beloved, heed the cries of a world seeking deliverance from its own suffering. The hosts of Heaven weep for those wasting souls. God is calling us to be His hands and feet in a broken world. The darkness looms stronger, threatening to consume all in its path, but we hold the light of salvation, the one weapon that can pierce through darkness.

Stand Strong: Fearless in Faith

The battlefield for souls is no place for the weak. Let your prayers shake the heavens and move mountains. Your words are not empty echoes but arrows of truth and love. Step out of the shadows of self-preservation and into the trenches where lives are at stake. You must stay fearless, no matter what.


Believers, it’s a simple plea: Are You Still Salty? Do your words and deeds still add taste to the world? Let our hearts break for what breaks God’s heart. The world needs light, and we hold that light in our hands. Let’s act now, without delay, and bring hope to a world in desperate need. Souls are waiting for us to make a difference.

Will you join the cause?
Make a commitment to invite at least THREE people to God next Sunday. Feel free to share this post to your friends and loved ones.

1 Comment


    LORD I really desire to win souls Into your kingdom, help me , to bring this to manifestation. In Jesus Name Amen

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