Don’t you know who you are?


Sometimes, as Believers, we tend to lose consciousness of who we really are, thereby giving the Devil an upper hand in our lives. It’s so sad to find believers being victimized by their circumstances as though they do not know who they are and what they carry. The Bible in Luke 10:19 says:

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

But, if the above scripture doesn’t convince you enough, how about 1 John 4:4 which says:

“You, dear Children are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

The first thing you need to know and consciously remind yourself about is that you have been created in God’s image. (Genesis 1:27) Have you ever wondered that out of all the creatures that God made, it is only the human that was made in his image and likeness? Do you know what that means? Genesis 1:26 says:

“God said, let us [Father, Son and Holy Spirit] make mankind in our image, after our likeness, and let them have complete authority….”

So, you should never think for a second that your very existence is a mistake. Here are the 4 Reasons you’re superior to the Devil:

1. Positional Advantage:
Your position as a believer often reveals to you your status and ranking on account of the victorious sacrifice of Christ and this is what the Devil and his minions do not want you to know or have. When you lack this revelation knowledge, no matter what else you know, you’ll always be a victim of darkness. An understanding of this positional advantage makes you able to exact dominion over life and over principalities and powers. (Ephesians 1:21) You may look ordinary but the moment you become aware of this position that you occupy as a believer, you begin to operate in the realm of the supernatural.

2. The Armor of God:

You are equipped for Spiritual Warfare and Christian Victory. Discover the spiritual empowerment that comes from wearing the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-11). With the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit (which is the word of God), you are armed to stand against the devil’s strategies. By diligently utilizing this spiritual armor, you can overcome adversity and experience God’s protection in every battle you face.

3. Unshakable in the Promises and Presence of God

Embrace your identity in Christ and find refuge in the unwavering promises of God. Hebrews 13:5 reminds us, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” In the face of the enemy’s attacks, cling to the faithfulness of God, meditate on His promises, commune with Him in prayer, and rely on His strength. Experience the assurance that God is with you, providing you with spiritual strength to overcome every challenge.

4. The Authority of Faith:

Conquer Fear and Walk in Supernatural Power. Discover the authority of your faith, which enables you to access the supernatural realm of God’s power and provision. Your faith is anchored in the character, power, and faithfulness of God. The Bible in Mark 9:23 says, “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Defeat the enemy’s tactics of fear by standing firm in your faith, knowing that whatever the Devil threatens through fear, he can never bring to pass until you believe. Embrace the authority in Christ and experience breakthroughs, miracles, and a life of triumphant faith.

In conclusion, never lose hold of your authority as Believers. Now that you know and understand your identity in Christ, confidently face the devil’s schemes, knowing that you are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. Embrace your victorious living, walking in faith, and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you into a life of triumph, spiritual growth, and overcoming every challenge with your Believer’s Authority.


  1. Helen Emmanuel says:

    This is awesome. The word of God is instrumental. The application of this instrument are the victorious result we have today.
    Thanks for sharing

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    Chinyere Hope Ekweribe says:

    Deep revelation! I’m Victorious, I’m more than a conqueror and Grace remains.
    God bless you Pastor B and other Harvesters Pastors.

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