Why do you shy away from talking about Jesus?


Welcome, fellow soul-winners. It you’re reading this blog post then, one thing’s clear…you’re as guilty as the rest of us. But relax, don’t look at it that way, we’re all here to seek answers that could bring us closer to God.  In this blog post, we are going to empower you with the tools for overcoming the fears and doubts that hinder your soul-winning potential, and at the end of it, you’ll find yourself going all out to bring souls to the kingdom.

Now, we definitely need to start from somewhere…

How about we start with the big WHY? So we did a little research to find out why many believers shy away from talking about Jesus to others, I mean come to think of it, Jesus is really worth the hype. Yet, many believers just find it weird and somewhat embarrassing to talk about Him. In our findings, we discovered that while some believers live in the fear of rejection, others think they’re not just worthy to preach Jesus, while some are just afraid of being asked critical questions that they may not be able to answer, funny. Yet, some don’t just know how to preach Jesus. Oh yeah, you already know where you fit in, right?

The truth is, it’s okay to feel this way, I mean we all have our reasons but what wouldn’t be okay is still carrying on the same limiting mindset after reading this blog post.

No one said soul winning was ever easy, the apostles didn’t have a rosy time spreading the gospel but think about it, someone went out of his or her way to portray Christ to you. They literally saved your soul from eternal damnation, so why then would you stand and watch souls slip through your fingers every passing day? Think about it!

But, let’s get straight to the limiting mindsets:

  • Fear of Rejection: Top on the list is the fear of rejection. Frankly, more than 75 percent of believers who aren’t talking about Jesus are afraid of getting rejected by their recipient. But, understand that Jesus himself knew about the rejection we were going to face in soul winning and said in Matthew 10:14, “And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.” He didn’t just end there, remember what he said in Luke 10:16, “Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me.” So, you need to understand that rejection is just something to look forward to in Soul-Winning, you only need to prepare your mind, so that when it comes, you won’t feel discouraged or heartbroken. It’s just the same as asking a lady you admire so much on a date hoping to get a ‘Yes’ but at the end of your long oral and written epistle which took you days of preparation, you get a firm ‘No’ without limits. Funny, but true. Remember that as believers, we all have an assignment to fulfil- to seek and save the lost at all cost. Listen up, believer! In this soul-winning adventure, rejection ain’t no match for your faith. So, put on a confident smile, brush off that fear of rejection like a fearless overcomer that you are and keep spreading God’s love like wildfire. With God on your side, you’ve got what it takes!


  • Not worthy/Low self-esteem: Surely, righteousness is no license to sin but if you mistakenly fall into sin, the onus is on you to confess and repent immediately. The moment you start condemning yourself because of your sins or not feeling worthy, what you’re doing is giving the devil more room into your life, and frankly, that’s exactly where the devil wants you to be. Listen up! There is absolutely no perfect believer in this race that we run. At some point, we have and keep offending God but don’t let it ruin you. See what God says in Romans 8:1 (NIV): “therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” That’s a warning for those of you who feel or think you’re not qualified to preach. More than anything else, it means that’s not a valid reason to not fulfil your assignment as a Believer.

Moreso, did you know that your imperfections make you a relatable soul-winning superstar? In 1 Corinthians 12:9, God reminds us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Embrace your quirks, your unique journey, and let your genuine self shine. Be proud of who you are, flaws and all, because it’s through your authenticity that hearts will resonate. You’re a genuine soul-winning hero, inspiring others to embrace their own imperfections and seek the truth. Why do you think we tell people to come to church as they are? That’s because God does not judge, so don’t listen to what religion tells you.


  • The fear of being asked critical questions that cannot be answered: This may be the funniest point in this blog post. A friend once narrated her Soul-Winning ordeal sometime ago and I couldn’t help but laugh. According to her, she was all set to preach the gospel having prayed and sought the spirit of God. She was so confident about having up to 15 souls at the least. While she managed to win up to 6, when she got to the 7th person, she began questioning her belief in God. Why? Apparently, the person she found herself preaching to was from a different denomination- Jehovah Witness. The first and only question he asked her literally sent her back home in embarrassment. She couldn’t answer the tough question. But here’s the catch: As a soul-winning champion, your curiosity is fueled by the wisdom of God’s Word. Proverbs 2:3-6 reminds us, “Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for something you misplaced; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God.” Stay open-minded, nurture a spirit of curiosity, and let your genuine quest for truth guide you. Your curiosity is the key to unlocking new perspectives and understanding. Again, don’t feel discouraged. There’d always be scribes and Pharisees.


  • Lack of boldness: People say that there is always a first time for everything. Many of us have had funny experiences while trying to preach the gospel. Sometimes, it’s like the earth is quaking, other times, it’s like you’re going to faint. But, remember the words of Joshua in Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Beloved, you need to embrace your authentic self, stand tall, and let your passion for the Gospel radiate. Be unapologetically you, because your unique voice carries power. Fearlessly share the good news, stirring hearts with hope and love. You’re a soul-winning pioneer, leaving a lasting impact by fearlessly stepping out of your comfort zone. So, don’t hold back, and watch as lives are forever changed.

In conclusion, we’ll say Congratulations, Soul-winner! There’s a conviction that something within has been stirred, yeah, that’s the Holy Spirit quickening you for the miraculous. Remember, you’re Salt and Light to the world, not even the devil can dim your light. So, let your voice be heard. The world eagerly awaits your unique contribution.

You may want to take the first step by inviting at least 3 persons to church next Sunday. Feel free to share their details with us as a response to this mail, so that we can follow up.

See you next week!

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